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Much of my work revolves around my relationship with nature and the mystical forces that govern it. Its style can be described as fantastic realism; while it expresses something that exists in the natural world, there is something whimsical or even bizarre that's present in the images, reflecting that hidden force. These elements are also reflected by my healthy use of colors.


Most pieces are available in various forms, from framed prints, to gliceé canvas prints, tapestries, throw blankets, and more.  Some originals are even available Please visit the Contact page to inquire about purchasing a piece in your desired form: original, framed print, canvas print, tapestry, or something unique such as iPhone cases, laptop sleeves, and more.



2019 12" x 15" ink and gold pigment on paper Created for a dear friend of mine, inspired by and encapsulating his love for music. I strongly believe that music has the ability to elevate you into into a new, ecstatic state of consciousness that transcends time and space. I wanted to express this notion using aesthetics and design elements that I know he's attracted to.

Negative Space

Negative Space

2019 16" x 12" acrylic marker on canvas



2018 15" x 11" watercolor on paper



2018 16"x12" acrylic marker on canvas

The Awakening

The Awakening

2018 18" x 24" watercolor on paper



2018 16" x 12" watercolor on paper, gold marker accent This piece was a birthday gift for my best friend and partner. He has a very special relationship with water, being a surfer and a skier- so it only made sense to create a piece that featured water in its various forms: liquid, solid, and platonic solid.

Rainbow Quartz

Rainbow Quartz

2017 16" x 12"watercolor on paper I've always loved the iridescent glow of crystals, and I wanted to capture their magical aesthetic

Divine Apogee

Divine Apogee

2016 10" x 8" watercolor on paper A holiday gift to a dear friend. The mountain is backed by the sri yantra, which is a sacred symbol meaning "cosmic mountain", the origin of life

Enchanted Garden

Enchanted Garden

2017 24" x 18" watercolor on paper A birthday gift to a very special person in my life



2017 12" x 16" watercolor on paper A rework of an older piece from back in the day

White Elk

White Elk

2017 12" x 16" watercolor on paper A birthday gift to a "deer" friend (;

Cosmic Embrace

Cosmic Embrace

2017 12" x 9" colored pencil on paper A gift to celebrate an anniversary with someone who was once a big part of my life

Magic Mushroom Garden

Magic Mushroom Garden

2014 5" x 12" colored pencil on paper Careful which one you eat (;

Dew Drops

Dew Drops

2013 8" x 10" acrylic on canvas board Part of a study on elements of the tree

Echeveria lilicina

Echeveria lilicina

2017 12" x 12" watercolor on paper A birthday gift for a dear friend



2016 7" x 9" watercolor on paper A holiday gift to my former roommate and one of my best friends



2015 24" x 18" watercolor on paper A was a gift for someone very special in my life



2012 24" x 24" oil on canvas Exploration of color and texture. Originally intended to be a waterscape, but the use of colors and lighting give it more of an ambiguous meaning. Land or sea?

Día de los Muertos

Día de los Muertos

2012 20" x 16" colored pencil on paper Created while doing a study on the still life image of the skull



2016 8" x 11.5" Colored pencil on paper Inspired by the nudibranchs I saw while scuba diving the Poor Knights Islands, New Zealand

Still Life of a Skull

Still Life of a Skull

2012 7" x 5" colored pencil on paper With a psychedelic twist.



2014 16" x 12" marker on paper Spiritual self-portrait.



2012 11" x 8.5" black ink on paper Reflective of the link between our impact on nature and on ourselves.

© 2017 by Samantha Adams.

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